Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Step 4: Restoring student data from initial backup: 
Code Block


ftv-san:~/kmm_ftvautomation# bash
[root@ftv-san ~/kmm_ftvautomation]# cd /mnt/tank0/Students/
[root@ftv-san /mnt/tank0/Students]# date && for d in * ; do rsync -rulv --exclude '.*' ../backup_2019_04_20_Students/$d/ $d/; done && date

This took 35 minutes.

Step 5: Fix permissions on restored files: 
Code Block
[root@ftv-san /mnt/tank0/Students]# for d in * ; do find $d/ -user root -type f | grep -Ev 'shared$|submissions$' | xargs -I {} -L 1 echo chown $d \'{}\' >> ~/kmm_ftvautomation/ ; done
[root@ftv-san /mnt/tank0/Students]# bash ~/kmm_ftvautomation/

This took a couple of minutes, but didn't completely work as expected.  Several files contained unexpected quotes or other non-printable characters which kind of broke things.  To get a list of everything you'll need to manually process, run the following

Code Block


[root@ftv-san /mnt/tank0/Students]# find . -user root -type f | grep -Ev 'shared$|submissions$' | cut -d '/' -f 2,3,4 | sort -u

For each result returned, take advantage of the -R feature in chown and do things like this: 

Code Block
[root@ftv-san /mnt/tank0/Students]# chown -R 1111111 "1111111/some guy's folder/"

This manual process took 30-45 minutes.