10. How to use the System Status Alarm asset

10. How to use the System Status Alarm asset

To create a System Status Alarm :

  1. add the 'System Status Alarm' asset from the WYSIWYG toolbar to the desired page
  2. create a folder named '_index-alarm' at the same place as your desired page
  3. using the 'System Status Alarm' template add the file into the '_index-alarm' folder
    1. fill up the 'alarm text' and 'alarm type' fields that will appear on the alarm box on the page
    2. alarm type could be 'information' , 'warning' and 'error' that will show up in 'blue', 'yellow' and 'red' color in order
  4. don't forget to 'Publish' all the files

Notice: if the _index-alarm folder is empty nothing will show up on the page

To apply a link within the "alarm text" message:

  1. Make sure you are in Edit mode
  2. Copy and paste this pattern, to where the clickable text will be, inside the "alarm text" box.
  3. Replace the attributes as follow:
    • <<URL>> : replace it with the URL of the web page link
    • <<Clickable text>>: replace it with the text that user will click on to open the link

Example: Please be click <a target="_blank" href="http://fhda.edu">HERE</a> to open the district home page.

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