How to Access/Navigate Argos 5.x for running reports

How to Access/Navigate Argos 5.x for running reports

How to Log in

  1. Log in to MyPortal, click on the Apps on the left. On the right side, under 'Banner', click on 'Argos' tile to access Argos report. 
    Please refer the highlighted blue rectangles in the screenshot below:

    IF the following campus sign-in page comes up, please log in with your CWID and MyPortal password

  2. You are now logged in to Argos Web Viewer which allows you to RUN REPORTS in the browser

    NOTE: Those of you who are Argos report/datablock designers, and would like to modify/create reports/datablocks -
    • Click on the link in MyPortal Reports tab named Launch Argos - for Developers ONLY,
    • The eLauncher page will appear, click on the Argos button (on the right)
    • Note: This will work in in ANY browser but in a Windows PC environment ONLY.
      (Mac users: please use Remote Desktop Connection program to log in to Merced or Yosemite).
    • Even on a PC, if you are using a browser other than Internet Explorer, at the time of first-time log in, please follow the prompts to download a plug-in (Evisions Application Launcher), this is needed one time only.
    • Once logged in, please note the folders, datablocks, reports you are able to access, and let ETS know if you see any differences
    • Please navigate to your folder to edit/create datablock/report


How to check report access

Once logged in to the Argos Web Viewer, please take the time to note the folders that appear in the navigation bar in the left part of the screen

Reports that you have access to are located inside these folders

How to get to Reports you currently access via MyPortal Reports tab

  1. Locate the !Certified folder on the left navigation bar, and click on it

  2. In the !Certified folder, datablocks are organized in folders by Functional area, you will see folders of Functional Areas based upon your access/permissions, click on the appropriate folder

  3. The datablocks will appear on the right side of the screen, locate the one that is likely to have the report(s) you are looking for, and click on it

  4. The datablock will appear

    (Note: There can be one or more reports based on each datablock)

    Select the parameter values as required - your selections will apply to ALL the reports for this datablock

    In the datablock, to access the required report, click on the down arrow next to Reports menu option in the top navigation bar, and click on the report name

  5. If needed you may change parameter values at the report level as well

    Once ready to run the report, click on the Run button in the top navigation bar


  6. The report can be now be accessed as designed - e.g. if the report output is a CSV file, then follow the prompts to open with Excel, and access it from your computer's Downloads folder


  7. You can then change the parameter values and run the same report again, or select a different report to run, or use the breadcrumb on top to navigate back to the folder and select another datablock, or another folder to access an entirely different report

How to set up Home folder for future direct easy access

Once you log in for the first time, you can set up your 'HOME' folder, as follows, such that on your subsequent logins to Argos you are always landed directly into the folder which contains the datablocks/reports you need to access:


  1. Navigate to the desired folder location:

  2. Click on the gear icon for Settings:

  3. On the next screen that appears click on the Set Home button:


How to Log out

Click on the Log Out button at the top right part of the screen










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