How to Access/Navigate Argos 5.x for creating/modifying reports

In ANY browser but on a PC ONLY (Mac users: please use Remote Desktop Connection program to log in to Merced or Yosemite):

  • Log in to MyPortal, click on the Reports tab. Alongside the current My Reports area you will find the link to the NEW version as shown below, please click on the Launch Argos - For Developers ONLY link.

  • On the elauncher page that will appear next, click on the Argos button -

  • When accessing this for the FIRST time, click on the link to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL the application launcher (if you do NOT have the necessary privileges on your computer to do this, please put in a work order for ETS Campus Tech Services at



  • For developers, we have the user account for the Windows domain FHDA.  Using the domain account to login to Argos, can access more reports (instead of using the CWID account).


  • Once the application launches, you will be able to see the folders and within them the datablocks you have access to, using which you may go ahead and create/modify reports as needed.


  • For training in Argos, for creating/modifying reports, please visit, scroll to the bottom of the web page, and click on Argos Training at the bottom right: