Duo MFA FAQs for Technical Issues

Duo MFA FAQs for Technical Issues

Q: What if I switch phone?

If your new phone is using the same phone #, there is no change if you use phone calls or text messages for passcodes to approve authentication requests. If you use Duo Mobile app to approve, the easier way is to contact the call center to remove your phone # and re-enroll.

If you have a new phone #, contact the call center to remove your old phone # and re-enroll. Or you can follow the instructions below to add a new device.

FHDA Duo 2FA Step-by-Step Instructions | Section 3: Manage your devices

Q: My Iphone email client stops working (stop connecting to Exchange, keep prompting for password) after I enroll to Duo. What should I do?

A: Go to Settings => Mail => Account => click on your fhda account => Delete Account.

Then Add Account => Click on Microsoft Exchange => enter you fhda email (try cwid@fhda.edu if email doesn’t work) and click on Next (screenshot below on the left)=> Click on Sign In (screenshot below on the right)=> You will see the campus Sign-in page at this point and sign in with your MyPortal credential to add your account.


Q: I experience the following Zoom ADD-IN ERROR for my Windows Desktop Outlook after Duo is enabled. What should I do?

Currently, there is no fix for this issue. The alternative solution is to download the "Zoom Plugin for Microsoft Outlook: Download Center for Zoom Apps and Plugins | Zoom

You will get another Zoom option in the Calendar tab, this one works since it connects directly to the Zoom App. After installing you will see the following icon in your calendar:


Q: Why is my Outlook desktop client not showing a 2FA prompt when Microsoft 365 is protected by Duo?

A: Please refer to this article for more information: https://help.duo.com/s/article/3814

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