SAP status determination

SAP status determination

FHDA has customized way to calculate stats to be used for SAP status determination using FHDA_FA_SAP_CALC_STATS.

The function FHDA_FA_SAP_CALC_STATS is used for many SAP rules on RORRULE.

Function Parameters:

needs three values to be passed to it:

Student PIDM, Term for which the calculations are done, Stat Type to be calculated.

Meaning of stat type:

TA - Term institutional attempted hours
TE - Term institutional earned hours
TG - Term institutional GPA
CA - Cumulative institutional attempted hours
CE - Cumulative institutional earned hours
CG - Cumulative institutional GPA
CP - Cumulative institutional GPA as of prior term


Example: find the student's attempted hours

baninst1.fhda_fa_sap_calc_stats(sfbetrm_pidm, sfbetrm_term_code, 'TA')

You can use this function in a select query, e.g.

fhda_fa_sap_calc_stats(shrlgpa_pidm,'202511','TA') TA,
fhda_fa_sap_calc_stats(shrlgpa_pidm,'202511','TE') TE,
fhda_fa_sap_calc_stats(shrlgpa_pidm,'202511','TG') TG,
fhda_fa_sap_calc_stats(shrlgpa_pidm,'202511','CA') CA,
fhda_fa_sap_calc_stats(shrlgpa_pidm,'202511','CE') CE,
fhda_fa_sap_calc_stats(shrlgpa_pidm,'202511','CG') CG,
fhda_fa_sap_calc_stats(shrlgpa_pidm,'202511','CP') CP
from shrlgpa