Introducing the new improved Liquid Office (LO)

Introducing the new improved Liquid Office (LO)

What has changed ?

  • Improved User Interface

  • Multi-browser compatibility Firefox, Edge, Chrome, Safari

  • Login

  • Email notifications

  • Improved processing in the backend by ETS

Launching new Liquid Office

URL to the new and improved Liquid Office (LO) is https://liquidoffice.fhda.edu/. Clicking the “Liquid Office” link in MyPortal Payroll Tile will also launch the new Liquid Office. 

Liquid Office browser Compatibility 

The new Liquid Office is compatible with all browsers  FireFox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari. 

How to Login to Liquid Office, access the time report sheet, & Logout ? 

A. To Login into the new improved Liquid Office

Enable the login or activate the “Login” the following three things are essential 

  1. Type your CWID in the CWID dialog box 

  2. Type your MyPortal password in the Password dialog box 

  3. Click the “Login” button 

Liquid Office login page

Tips: In case LO login screen has your CWID and password but Login button is greyed out, place your cursor to CWID or password box, and press “enter” key to login


B. Steps to access Time Report

Steps to launch Time Report

C. Email notifications received upon submitting/approval/rejection of the Time Report


When an employee submits the Time Report, an email notification gets sent to the Supervisor.

Once the Supervisor acts on the Time Report, the employee receives an email notification.

All email notification is sent from noreply@fhda.edu 


Email notification to Supervisor
  1. Once the supervisor receives a notification, he/she must click on one of the links in the email notification to take them directly to the time reports (by clicking the "Time Report ... Form") OR to a list of available time reports to review in the Assignments (by clicking the "Assignments" link). 




Time Report approval email notification
  1. Upon Supervisor approval employee will receive an email from noreply@fhda.edu




  1. When the Supervisor requests for edits to your Time report, the following two email notifications are received by the employee/submitter

Supervisor requesting edits to Time Report- First email notification


Second email notification

The employees can either click on one of the links in the email notification to take them directly to the time report (by clicking the "Time Report Classified Form") OR to a list of available time report to edit in the Assignments ( by clicking the "Assignments" link)

The Notes section informs the employees the reason the time report is rejected.

 D. Accessing Assignments

“Assignments” is the new inbox (Assignments aka inbox). Assignments contains either rejected Time Report or any saved/ duplicate / already-opened Time Reports.

The purpose of "Assignments" are as follows:

  1. View the communication between you and the supervisor/approver/payroll for rejected Time Report. 

  2. View saved / duplicate / already-opened-but-timed-out Time Reports that you need to continue to work on or cancel.

Track your communications in “Assignments”

E. Log out from Liquid Office

Hover and click on the below icon to sign-off


Logout button








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