My Portal FAQ

My Portal FAQ

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MyPortal FAQ

Questions with Answers

Q. What is my campus-wide ID?

Your 8-digit campus-wide ID is the same as your student ID.

Financial aid students and new applicants for summer and fall
Your student ID is listed at the top of your college confirmation e-mail.

Continuing students only
For student ID contact the Admissions and Records office for the college you are attending. 

Your 8-digit campus-wide ID is the same as your employee ID. You can find it on your pay stub.

Q. If I don’t know my password or it needs to be reset, where do I go?

A. From the MyPortal main page CLICK on the "I don't know my password." link and I Do Not Know My Password pop-up will appear. CLICK the "reset it here" link in the pop-up. You will be directed to "Account Self-Service form". Enter your campus-wide ID and CLICK the Go button. 

Q. If I am a student and I don’t have a computer, where should I go?

A. On the Foothill campus you can go to the Student Success Center or the Media Center.
On the De Anza campus you can go to the Open Media Lab in the lower level of the Learning Center West (next to the Library).

Q. What browsers are supported?

A. MyPortal is designed to work with Internet Explorer (version 7 and above), Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

Q. Who do I contact if I need help?

A. Contact Admissions and Records at Foothill by e-mail at webregfh@fhda.edu. Contact Admissions and Records at De Anza by e-mail at webregda@fhda.edu.

Q. Why don't I have a registration time?

A. If you are a continuing student (registered in the previous quarter, excluding summer), you should have a registration time. If you do not, contact A&R by e-mailing webregfh@fhda.edu at Foothill or webregda@fhda.edu at De Anza. New or returning students will be assigned a registration time after they complete a new application using the CCCApply system.

Q. Why and when do I have to reapply?

A. Admission is regulated by state requirements. You will need to reapply for admission if you did not apply and attend classes in the previous academic quarter (excluding summer). A separate application for admission is required for each campus.

Q. Why can't I access MyPortal (my account info is not found)?

A. The "Login Failed" screen with a message saying the username/password combination could not be found will be displayed if your account is not yet created. If you have just submitted your application using CCCApply try again later, it can take up to a half-hour to process during busy times. Access to MyPortal will be delayed if you are identified as a nonresident on your application for admission. Nonresident applications must be manually reviewed and accepted into the system. Allow at least 24 hours for processing.

Your password may have been entered incorrectly. If this is the first time accessing your account, be sure to enter the initial password properly. It will be the month, day and year of your birthday in eight-digit format (MMDDYYYY). If that does not work, reset your password using the link on the MyPortal Login page. Note that too many failed login attempts will lock your account and you will have to contact Admissions to get it unlocked.

Q. Should I select the option to save my login information on my computer?

A. No.  Saving login information potentially permits anyone to logon to MyPortal with your credentials, allowing them to assume your identity and access FHDA content that is available to you. 

Q. Does everyone logging into MyPortal see the same thing?

A. No.  Each person is given role-based access to the portal, which determines what you can see and have access to. 

Q. How do I get an unofficial transcript from MyPortal? 

A. When you click on “Student Registration” application under "Students", you will be directed to the page that provides you access to My Records, use the " View My Unofficial Transcript” link to view your grades from previous quarters.  

Q. How do I change my personal e-mail address in MyPortal?

A. When you click on “Student Registration” application, you will be directed to the page that will enable you to change your e-mail address. Click the “Update My Personal Information” link under the My Profile heading of the "Student Registration" page. Click the "New Version" link and scroll down to "Email" section to see current e-mail addresses, click  the edit icon to change the e-mail address or click the "Add New" to add an e-mail address.

Q. Why can't I share an email address with another student?

A. Due to federal privacy laws, students must each have a unique email address to use our registration and portal system. The system will reject you if you try to apply using an email address that is already entered into the system under another name. We realize this is inconvenient for some students, but is required by federal law.

Q. How do I register for a class or look at other information such as schedule of classes?

A. When you click on “Student Registration” application under "Students", you will be directed to the  page that provides you access to Registration Tools such as determining your registration status. Other links allow you to look up available classes by quarter, add and drop classes or change your course/class options or make a payment. Use the "View My Unofficial Transcript" link to view your grades from previous quarters.

Q. How do I look up my balance that I owe?

A. When you click on “Bill Payment” application under "Students", Click "Pay Now", you will be directed to the page that will show your current balance information.

Q. Who do I contact if my prereqs or test scores are not in the system?

A. You will need to contact the Assessment Office on each campus. Contact FH Assessment Office fhtesting@fhda.edu at Foothill, and DA Assessment Office daassessment@fhda.edu at De Anza.

Q. What times of day is MyPortal available?

A. The MyPortal system is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Q. Can alumni/donors/retirees and visitors access MyPortal?

A. Currently MyPortal is only available to newly admitted, current, and former students, and faculty and staff.

Q. Why am I getting a message saying my browser will not accept "session" cookies when trying to make a payment?

A. The TouchNet payment system requires that your browser be set to accept "session" cookies. Changing this setting is different for each browser:

    • On a PC for Microsoft Internet Explorer, CLICK the "Tools" menu item, and select "Internet Options". CLICK the "Privacy" tab and then CLICK the "Advanced" button. CLICK the checkbox that says "Always allow session cookies", and CLICK the "OK" button, then CLICK the "OK" button to close the "Internet Options" window. You may be required to close and restart IE for the changes to take effect.
    • On a PC for Firefox, CLICK the "Tools" menu item, and select "Options". CLICK the "Privacy & Security" icon to the left and under the "Cookies and Site Data" choice, CLICK the checkbox that says "Accept cookies and site data from websites" and be sure the "Accept third-party cookies and  site data" is also checked. For "Keep until", choose "Firefox is closed" or "they expire". CLICK "X" button in top right to save and close the "Options" window.
    • On a Macintosh for Firefox, CLICK the "Firefox" menu item and select "Preferences". CLICK the "Privacy" icon at the top, and CLICK the checkbox that says "Accept cookies from sites" and be sure the "Accept third-party cookies" is also checked. For "Keep until" choose "I close Firefox" or "they expire". CLICK the red button at the upper-left to close the "Privacy" window.
    • On a Macintosh for Safari, CLICK the "Safari" menu item and select "Preferences". CLICK the "Security" icon at the top, and under "Accept Cookies" CLICK the radio-button choice "Only from sites I visit". CLICK the red button at the upper-left to close the "Privacy" window.

Note that accepting third-party cookies is considered by some to present a security risk by allowing information to be collected and passed between web pages. If you are concerned, you can reset your settings to their prior configuration after your payment is complete.

Q. How to locate the classic MyPortal card in the new MyPortal ?

Click on the "Discover" menu item and type in the keyword "classic"

The classic MyPortal will freeze any new updates/development after October 23rd 2025.
            The classic MyPortal will be inaccessible starting April 2025.

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