Faculty Tab FAQ

Faculty Tab FAQ


  1. Q. What is MyPortal Faculty Tab used for?

    A. This is where you will accept your contract by clicking on My Contract.  My Class List takes you to your class rosters where you will be able to print, sort, e-mail, export it to Excel and print your Add Codes at the start of each quarter.  My Grades allows you to assign grades and, if required, record positive attendance hours.  My Office Hours allows you to post your office hours for the quarter.  Faculty Schedule displays your class for today or week.

  2. Q.  Where can I find out how to handle problems or deadlines?

    A.  The “All Users” tab contains a “Messages” area.  The messages that appear are based on which tabs you have.  Messages for faculty will only appear for users who have a faculty tab.  It is a good idea to check the “All Users” tab whenever you sign on to MyPortal.

  3. Q. Where can I find more detailed documentation on the various Faculty Tab functions?

    A. Foothill – De Anza District website contains Technical Support for the Portal at:

    http://ets.fhda.edu/getting-help/myportal/Myportalresourcesforfaculty.html.  There is a Quick Start Overview and one document for each of the Faculty Tab functions.

  4. Q. What do I do if my password and login do not work?

    A. If you still encounter problems accessing MyPortal, please contact Tech Support at our online request system or 408.864-TECH (8324)

    modified assignments.  It is a good idea to check your contract on MyPortal the day before the quarter start date to make sure that everything is in order.

  5. Does everyone logging into MyPortal see the same thing?

    A. No.  Each person is given role-based access to the portal, which determines what you can see and have access to.  These roles currently include faculty, employees and students.  Upon logging in, all users will see the “All Users” tab.  Additionally, as a faculty member you will see the “Faculty” and “Employee” tabs.  If you take a class at either Foothill or De Anza College you will also have a “Student” tab.

  6. Q. What is Banner?

    A.  Banner is the name of the software product that Foothill – De Anza CC District is using to manage their information processing requirements.

  7. Q. What is the Employees tab used for?

    A. The Employees tab allows you to see your employee information, pay stubs, automatic deposit instructions and other employee specific functions.

  8. Q. What do I do if I get lost and the Faculty Tab is no longer displayed?

    A. Always click on the small blue Back to Faculty Tab  in the top left hand corner.  If you don’t see it, click on Previous Menu until you do.


  1. Q. I tried to approve my contract, but receive the message that no assignment was available.  What should I do?

    A. If you believe that you should have a contract, contact your Dean.

  2. Q. Is it true that only part-time faculty and full-time faculty with an overload assignment are required to approve their contract?

    A.  Yes.  For Fall, Winter and Spring quarters, only part-time faculty members and full-time faculty with an overload assignment(s) are required to accept their assignment(s).

  3. Q. When will contracts for next quarter be available for approval in Banner?

    A.  The “Notification and Acceptance of Assignment” will be e-mailed to your district e- mail address at least 28 calendar days before the beginning of the quarter.  The contract and assignment(s) must be accepted within 14 calendar days of the date on which the e- mail was mailed or seven days before the beginning of the quarter, whichever is earlier.

  4. Q.  I accepted my contract on the first day it was available.  Several days later I went back and I could not see the contract or the assignments I accepted.  In fact I received the error message “No terms available for you at this time.”  What is going on?

    A.  Please check with your Division Dean.  Most likely, your assignment(s) was changed after you accepted it and the revised or new assignment(s) have not yet been processed.  Once it is processed, it will appear under Contracts on the Faculty Tab in MyPortal for your acceptance.

  5. Q.  I accepted my contract and a week later I received a message from my Dean telling me that my contract needs to be accepted.  How can that be?

    A.  If there are any changes to your assignments after you accepted your contract and before the start of the quarter, you need to go back into MyPortal and accept the modified assignments.  It is a good idea to check your contract on MyPortal the day before the quarter start date to make sure that everything is in order.

  6. Q.  Are all Faculty members who teach classes during the summer session(s) required to accept their contract online?

    A.  Anyone who teaches during the summer quarter must accept their contract and assignments on MyPortal.

Class List – Waitlist & Add Codes

  1. Q. How do I print a listing of my Class Roster?

    A. Select Faculty Tab, click on link My Class List under the Faculty Web Services Channel.  Click on class and the class roster will display.  Use Filter, (or Multi-sort or column sort) to organize list as you want the printed list to appear.  Make sure browser Print Set Up is set for landscape mode.  Click on the Print Roster button.

  2. Q. How do I print the waitlist?

    A. Select Faculty Tab, click on link My Class List under the Faculty Web Services.  Click on class and the class roster will display.  Set filter to Waitlist.  Make sure Print or Page Setup is set for landscape mode.  Click on the Print Roster button found on the roster.

  3. Q. I tried to print my class roster and all I got was a blank page.  What did I do wrong?

    A. You can only print using the Printable Version button which is displayed above your list of students.

  4. Q. How do I e-mail all students in a class or waitlist?

    A.  On the class roster, filter or sort the list to display all waitlisted students.  Click the “Select/Deselect All” button left corner of the list to check all students on list.  Click on E- mail Selected Students button.  Fill in Subject and add Attachment if desired.  You can also add e-mail address for a student whose address is not listed on the class list.  Click the Send button.

  5. Q. How do I e-mail one or several student?

    A. Follow instructions above, but only check the checkbox for each student you want to e-mail before clicking on E-mail Selected Students button.

  6. Q. How do I find the e-mail address for a student?

    A. It will be listed on the class list.  If the student is not enrolled in one of your classes, you will not be able to access their e-mail address.

  7. Q.  Why do I not see a phone number or e-mail for some students on my list?

    A.  Some students due to safety concerns have requested that personal information such as e-mail address and phone not be displayed.

  8. Q. How do I drop a student?

    A.  Use the Active Roster list of students.  Check the box next to the student you wish to drop from your class.  Click on the Drop Students on the left column of the screen.  You will then be asked to click on Drop Selected Students button.  The student will receive an

    e-mail notifying them that they have been dropped from your class.  The instructor will receive an e-mail confirming that the student has been dropped from the class.

  9. Q.  None of my students have been able to 'add' over the past couple of days.  Is there a problem with the system?

    A.  Students may get an Add Code before the class starts.  However, the Add Code is

    not valid until the first day that the class actually starts. [The Add Code can be used to enroll in Online courses (W or Z at the end of the section number) on the first day of the quarter through the end of the Add period.]

    Prior to the first class meeting, students can do their normal registration functions (add to class, add to wait list, etc.) without an Add Code. Once the class starts (meets), the Add Code is required to register in the class. Students do not need, and will not be able to use Add Codes to perform class registration functions before the class starts.

    Keep in mind, many of the classes may not start at the same start date; therefore, students may confuse the class start date with quarter start date.

    If your students have further questions, you can refer them to the on-line Student Registration Guide under the student tab, Add or Drop Classes section (p.7), which  has a detailed description of the add drop process.  The Student Registration Guide is also posted under the faculty tab section of Faculty Support Resources, User Instructions (direct link https://ets.fhda.edu/_downloads/RegistrationGuideforStudents.pdf ).


  1. Q. How do I enter student grades?

    A. Login into MyPortal, then select Faculty tab and click on My Grades listed under Faculty Web Services.  Select the Term and College.  Select the Class.  A list of students in class will display.  Select a grade from drop-down list for each student.  Click the Submit button to save grades.

  2. Q. How do I enter attendance hours for a student?

    A. Use the same screen where student grades are entered.  To the right of the grade is a field where you can enter the attendance hours.

  3. Q. When I can start entering final grades?

    A.  You can begin entering final grades when notified by Admission and Records, (A&R) that you can enter grades.  Notification will appear on the “All Users” tab.  It is a good idea to check the “All Users” tab for important faculty specific information.

  4. Q. After I enter a grade can I go back and correct it?

    A. You can change a grade in MyPortal if the grade has not been “processed” or “rolled” by A&R.  Once the grade is processed you will no longer be able to select a grade from drop-down list.  At this point, you will need to submit paperwork to A&R to change a grade.

  5. Q.  What should I do if there are any problems submitting grades or attendance hours?

    A.  Check the documentation at https://ets.fhda.edu/_downloads/MyGrades-BannerGuideforFaculty.pdf.  If you feel that you are following the instructions, you can contact Tech Support at our online request system or 408.864-TECH (8324)

  6. Q.  What is the due date for final grades?

    Final grades are due three days after the final is given.

  7. Q.  Why is it not possible to give a student a “C-“?

    The short answer: California Education Code does not allow the reporting of a C- grade.  For more information on grading see this link: http://www.foothill.edu/senate/plusminusfaq.html

  8. Q.  There are a few students who disappeared after the drop deadline.  Do I have to give them an F grade or can I leave it “Select”?

    All students who are not dropped before the W period deadline have to receive a grade

    or an Incomplete.  State regulations do not allow late drops without documented extenuating circumstances.

  9. Q.  If a student wants to take a class as Pass/No Pass, do I need to do anything?

     No, the student can take care of this by signing into MyPortal, clicking on the Student tab and then under the Registration Tools, select “Pass/No Pass".

  10. Q. How are incomplete grades for students handled?

    A. You can assign an Incomplete on you’re My Grades screen. You will need to submit a copy of the Incomplete Contract to Admissions.  The system will assign the student a grade of F which will appear one year from the date the Incomplete is assigned.  If the student completes the items on the contact, the instructor will submit paperwork to change the grade.  If the student does not complete the items listed in the contract, then grade of F will automatically appear on the one year aniversary date of the Incomplete grade.

  11. Q.  I have entered all the grades for my classes, but my students can not see their grades on MyPortal.  When will they be displayed?

    A.  Students will be able to view their grades using the Students tab on MyPortal once

    the grades have been rolled or processed by Admission and Records.  Grades have to "Roll" into history in order for students to view them. This roll process is quite detailed and has to be run on a set schedule between the colleges. It may take a week or more before your class grades are rolled.  You will know that the grades were rolled when the “N” becomes a “Y” on the grades screen. Once grades are rolled, you can no longer use MyPortal to change a submitted grade.  Leaving any grades set to “Select” can delay a grade roll for the rest of the students in the class.  Also a blank Attend Hours box will delay a class’ grade role.

  12. Q.  I don’t know if a student elects to take my class Pass/No Pass.  Shouldn’t I be notified?

    A.  For classes that are not Pass/No Pass classes, you will give all registered students in

    the class a letter grade.  When the grades are rolled, the letter grade will be translated into Pass or No Pass for those students who have opted for Pass/No Pass grading.  All grades of C or better will be posted on the student’s transcript as a P for pass.  Grades lower than a C are posted as an NP for No Pass.

Office Hours & Schedule

  1. Q. Does my “Faculty Schedule” include Office hours?
    A.  No, just the times you are scheduled to be in the class room teaching.

  2. Q.  Can I get a list of my class schedule?

    A. The “Faculty Schedule” section on the Faculty Tab displays your scheduled for today or any day you enter.  Click on Weekly View at bottom left of box to display schedule for entire week.

  3. Q. If I enter my Office Hours on the Faculty Tab, do I still need to complete the paper Office Hours Form?

    A. Part-time faculty who are paid for office hours (except for summer quarter) will be

    required to complete the Paid Office Hours form and turn it into your Dean.  The form can be downloaded at the same time you accept your contract.

Policy Questions

  1. Q. What happens if I do not have grades for all of my students in a class?

    A. You must submit a grade for all students on the roster.  A “W” is not possible at the end of the quarter. You can not submit grades unless every student has been assigned a grade. Please make sure that you have a grade for each student.  Missing grades may delay students from submitting transfer transcripts and negatively impact their transfer progress.

  2. Q.  Will I still be receiving Scantron final grade sheets?

    A. No, our new system, Banner, does not accommodate Scantron scanning.

  3. Q. What do I do with support documents (like attendance sheets) that I use to submit with the Scantron bubble-sheet?

    A. Faculty may retain their course support documents for three years, or forward them to Admissions & Records for scanning.

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