How to Export SARS Schedule to Outlook Calendar

How to Export SARS Schedule to Outlook Calendar

Following is the ONE-TIME setup required for counselors' schedules to get exported FROM SARS GRID TO MS OUTLOOK CALENDAR

It is NOT possible to export appointments FROM Outlook calendar TO SARS GRID

  1. Log in to SARS Anywhere as usual via the link in MyPortal under the Employees tab

  2. Click on the Gear icon to get to the Configuration settings window


  3. Click on the Export tab


  4. For each location where you serve student appointments, please setup the Export Configuration as followed:

Under the Settings section, please do the following:
a) select the SARS GRID Location
b) check the Export Enabled item
c) select the Number (of days) for which you want your SARS schedule to be exported

From Today = 0 (Zero) - this will ensure that NO past appointments will be exported; Number (of Days to Export) = 5 (this will ensure that each day, the next 5 calendar days' appointment slots will be exported to your Outlook calendar from your GRID - please note that this number includes the weekend days, e.g. with days to export set to 5 days, on a Thurs, the schedule for Thurs, Fri, and Mon will be exported) select what kinds of slots you want exported

  1. Student Contacts Only - this will export ONLY the booked appointments with students; All Time Slots - if this option is selected ALL slots on the GRID will be exported to Outlook but these can be narrowed down using the Schedule Codes button

  1. Under Appointment Settings section:

Click on the Subject drop-down to select from the following options - this is what will be displayed in the Subject line of appointment in your Outlook calendar:

Student Contact (Default): this option basically displays Student ID and Student Name; recommend to pick the default choice

Custom (Fill-in): clicking this option enables you to type in any custom text you would like displayed for the subject line

Student Name: this is self-explanatory, basically will display the student's name

  1. Click on the Body drop-down to select from the following options - this is what will be displayed in the Body of the appointment in your Outlook calendar:
    Comments (Default): this option will display the appointment comments entered in the GRID
    Comments & Reason Code: this option is self-explanatory - will display appointment comments as well as the appointment reason code
    Student Name
    ID & Student Name

  1. Click on the Location drop-down, and select SARS GRID Location - this is helpful especially for those of you who serve multiple locations (e.g. Counseling, DRC, PSME), because the Appointment that will show up in your Outlook calendar will display which of your locations the appointment is at

  1. If All Time Slots option is selected in the Settings section above, click on the Schedule Codes button

  1. All Schedule Codes from your GRID will be displayed, select those that you would like exported to your Outlook calendar. Typically, it may be of optimum use and benefit to export following two schedule codes: BOOKED (appointments with students) 
    OPEN (these are slots that are marked available on your GRID for students to book appointments on)


  1. That's it, you are all done! Click on the Save Export Settings and the OK buttons at the bottom:

  1. Given 30 minutes, you should expect to start seeing the selected schedules from SARS GRID appear in your Outlook calendar. It may take a little while - up to 30 minutes - for the SARS-Outlook synch to happen for the first time setup.



  • The above user-settings can be modified by you at any time as needed.

  • On an ongoing basis, per the settings on the server side, SARS schedule gets exported to your MS Outlook calendar once every 30 minutes.