Attendance Reporting

Attendance Reporting

Attendance reporting is one of the ways that the State of California evaluates how well we are serving our students.  To make the process easier, instructors can now print a pre-formatted attendance sheet for every class.  There are four different versions.  In addition to the original Portrait oriented sheet, there is now a Landscape version.  Also, there are now versions of each orientation which do not include the student’s ID numbers.

How to Print Attendance Reporting form

  1. Use the Faculty tab in MyPortal to access your class roster.
  2. Click the Print button and select the Attendance Sheet from the drop-down.
  3. Large classes may take several pages to list all the registered student.
  4. Regular weekly classes will list the dates the class will meet starting with the date that the form is printed.
  5. Classes that meet every day, Monday through Friday, will not have all of the meeting dates on the form the first time you print it.  You will need to go back and print the form again on the day that you need a new attendance form.  Each form covers nine class meetings.  A class that meets twice weekly for 12 weeks will require that you print the form again before the tenth class meeting and again before the 19th  class meeting.  You can print the form as often as you wish.  In the future a landscape version of the form will be available.  It will provide room for fourteen class meetings.
  6. Distance Learning/Online/TBA classes will not have the dates included.
  7. You can print the form as often as you want to.

How to Use the Form

Instructors of Positive Attendance classes should record the number of hours (rounded to the nearest quarter hour) that each student attends each scheduled class.  This can then serve as your input when you enter your grades and hours at the end of the quarter. Instructors can also use the form for recording grades, assignments and attendance.

The Completed Form

At the end of the quarter, enter all totals. Sign the form on the last page and initial each additional page. Turn the form into Admissions and Records where it will be scanned and stored as a digital image.


  • How do I know if I’m teaching a Positive Attendance class?
    It is listed in the Class Roster on the Essentials screen.  Also you will receive the e-mail reminder before the start of the quarter.
  • I’m not teaching a Positive Attendance class.  Do I still need to turn in my attendance sheet to Admission and Records?
    Yes.  The form is important documentation for all types of classes.
  • In the past I exported my roster to Excel and created an attendance form using Excel.  Can I continue to use my Excel form?
    Yes, as long as it contains all of the information on pre-formatted attendance form, sign it and turn it into Admissions and Records.

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