Faculty Roster User Guide

Faculty Roster User Guide

My Class List - User Guide for Faculty

(Print Roster & Attendance Sheet, E-mail, Export to Excel, Drops, Census, and Add Codes)

Display Class List (Roster)

Navigate to the  Faculty Channel and click on Faculty Online Services Tile

  1. Click on My Class List (Active Roster) which is listed under Faculty Online Services.
  2. This will display a list of terms by campus.  Highlight term and click  Go.
  3. A list of your classes for quarter selected will display.
  4. Note that this screen displays the basic information about the class such as CRN (Course Registration Number), Day & Time, Status, Units, Maximum enrollment, and number of students by status (Enrolled, Withdrawn, Dropped & Waitlisted).
  5. Click on the class link (the name of the class displayed in blue)  and the class roster will display.
  6. You can also select a different term and college from the drop-down list  and click “ Go” to display your classes for a different term or college.


  • The ETUDES column only displays for Foothill distance learn- ing classes.  Green indicates and ETUDES class, red is not one.
  • Census Signed column now confirms that you census was signed and submitted.  No more guessing.
  • You will also see a lot of the information that use to be only on the Essentials page.

To return to the faculty tab, click on the button in the upper left- hand corner of the screen.

ActiveRoster Display

A couple of things to pay attention to:

  1. Both the Active Roster and My Class List open in separate tabs or windows (depending on how your browser is configured).
  2. The various roster functions are initiated by icon buttons or drop-down menus on the top of the list of students.
  3. If a student is dropped or withdraws, the date of the action displays.
  4. When grades are entered they appear on the roster.
  5. Students on the Waitlist will have a Status of “Waitlisted” and a number under Wait #.  That number is assigned once and does not change.  Before the first day of the class, the student with the lowest waitlist number will be contacted by e-mail if a seat becomes available.  The student has twenty-four hours to register for the class.  If they do not register, they will continue to be listed as Waitlisted, but their number will be removed.  Students who are given an Add Code and register for the class will have their status changed to Registered.
  6. Waitlist numbers will not always be sequential.  If you have two students with the same number, please contact Admissions and Records.

Essentials – a Menu Option

To view the essential information about the class, select Essentials from the Menu drop-down list on the far left of the tool bar.

The Essentials is divided into three tabs:

  1. Attributes Tab: lists all of the important dates.
    • Last day to add the class.  (See page 7 for Add Code instructions.)
    • Drop days: The last day a student can be dropped and still get a refund, without a “W” grade

    • The Census Date – see more about Census on page X.
    • For Positive Attendance classes, the maximum number of hours you can give to a student.

      This line will not display report Positive Attendance for the class being viewed.

  2. Enrollment – the same information that displays on your list of classes.
Schedule – When and where the class meets.

SortIng the Roster

There are three options for sorting the roster:

  1. Click the  top of column you want sorted. Select Ascending or Descending.  If you select Columns (the bottom option on the drop-down), you will be able to select which columns you want displayed on your roster.
    Note: You can add a column for first and last name if you wish.
  2. The  Fi lter b ut to n (on the tool bar between Select All and Multi-Sort) allows you to filter the list, or limit the list to the items in the filter you have selected.
  3. Clicking the  Mul ti -So rt button will cause a popup window to appear.
    • Use your mouse to drag the fields you want to sort on to the right-hand window.
    • Use your mouse to place the fields in order.
    • Click  A pp ly.

Print Button

The Print button is used to print rosters, attendance sheets and Add Codes.

  • Print Roster will print it exactly as it is displayed.
  • Print Custom Roster will all to select which of the column you want to print.
  • Print Photo Rooster will display student information and photo for all registered students.  If the student has not obtained a student ID card, there will not be a photo.  All information on this roster is confidential and should not be shared with students.
  • Print Add Codes will be available on the first of school and not before.  You can also view your Add Codes
  • Attendance Sheets can be printed with or without the student’s IDs listed and in either landscape or portrait orientation.

Attendance Sheet

  1. Attendance reporting is one of the ways that the State of California evaluates how well we are serving our students.  To make the process easier, instructors can print a pre-formatted attendance sheet for every class from Active Roster.  If you will be distributing the sheet to students to sign-in on, please make use the version without student IDS.
  2. Click the Print button and select the Attendance Sheet from the drop-down.
  3. Large classes may take several pages to list the registered student.  Using the portrait orientation will list more students per page.  The portrait version will list nine class meetings and 36 students per page.
  4. Regular weekly classes will list the dates the class will meet starting with the date that the form is printed.
  5. Distance Learning/Online/TBA classes will not have the dates included.
  6. Classes that meet every day, Monday through Friday, will not have all of the meeting dates on the form the first time you print it.  You will need to go back and print the form again on the day that you need a new attendance form.  You can print the form as often as you wish.  A landscape version of the form is available.  It will provide room for fourteen class meetings and twenty-two students per page.
  7. You can print the form as often as you want to.

How to Use the Attendance Form

  • Instructors of  P ositiv e A tten d-a n ce classes should record the number of hours (rounded to the nearest quarter hour) that each student attends each scheduled class.  This can then serve as your input when you enter your grades and hours at the end of the quarter.
  • Instructors can also use the form for recording grades, assignments and attendance.

The Completed Form

  • At the end of the quarter, en- ter all totals.
  • Sign the form on the last page and initial each additional page.
  • Turn the form into Admissions and Records where it will be scanned and stored as a digital image.

Photo Roster

  1. Only students who have obtained a student ID will have their photo displayed.  Students can get a Student ID card or a Stu- dent Body card on the campus where they are enrolled.  At De Anza students should go to the Office of Student Life on the first level of the Campus Center.  At Foothill students should go to the Smart Shop in the Campus Center.  Every student should have either a Student ID card or a Student Body card.
  2. Click the Print button and select Print Photo Roster
  3. It will only list students who are registered for the class.  The first page contains text that identifies the class and instructor.
  4. Five or six students will display per page.  The information is confidential and is only intended for use by the instructor.
  5. A sample roster is displayed to the right.

Exporting Roster to Excel

Click  Exce l Sprea dsh eet button on the upper right hand corner of the screen

The Excel spreadsheet will contain only the names displayed prior to exporting.  To export all students on the roster, use the filter to display “All Students” before clicking on the E xport Exce l button.


Clicking on the Help button on the left-hand navigation panel will take you a pdf copy of this document.  Please be aware that as features are added this document is being updated.  Check the date in the upper right hand corner to for date. You can also find a copy of these instructions and other user guides on the Faculty tab under Faculty Resources.

If you use an Active Roster feature that results in an error message or does not perform as expected, please call the Call Center  (408-864- 8324) and report the problem.  Based on the nature of the problem, it will be assigned to the appropriate group to resolve.  One example of an error that you may run into is an error message is displayed when you attempt to drop a student using the Drop button.

E-Mail Students/Classes

  1. Display Roster for class.
  2. Use sort options to narrow down list.
  3. Check the box next to the student  who you want to send an e-mail.
  4. The button: Select All is a toggle which will check or uncheck all of the boxes next to the student names listed.
  5. Clicking the box to the left of the ID column header will check all of the students listed.
  6. Click E-Mail Students button and the e-mail pop-up window will display.

Creating E-mail:

  1. All e-mails will be sent as blind copies, the recipient will only see their name.
  2. Click  E dit Recipie nts button to add or remove students from the list.
  3. The return e-mail address will be your FHDA e-mail address
  4. To receive a copy, check the S en d Me a Co py box.
  5. Check  R equ est Read R ec eipt if you want an e-mail confirming that the e-mail was read.  Be aware that most e-mail programs notify the recipient that a Read Receipt has been requested and asks if they want one sent.
  6. Type in subject
  7. Spell Checker is now part of Active Roster
  8. Attachments can be added to e-mail using the b ro w se button
  9. Click  Sen d button at the top of the form to send e-mail
  10. A confirmation will display.

E-mail History:

To view a list of e-mails sent from a particular class Roster, click on the Menu  on the left of the roster and select E-mail History from the drop down menu.

To view an e-mail and the list of students it was sent to, click twice on the one you wish to view.

Tip: When  copying  from  another  source  (such  as  a Microsoft  Word  document)  and  pasting  your  message into  the  e-mail  text  box,  some  browsers  cannot  handle the  embedded  (and  invisible) formatting.   The  cut  and paste  icons  are  grayed  out  which  means  you  can  not use  them.   If  you  try  to  paste,  a  pop-up  window  will appear  where  you  can  paste  the  item.   All  formatting will  be removed  from  the  text  before  it  is  placed  in  the body  of  the  e-mail.  The  best  practice  is  to  attached documents  and  type  in  a  short  message  to  students.

Add Codes

There are several ways to access and print Add Codes:

  1. Select Add Codes from the Menu drop-down list.  There is then an option to View the list, export it to Excel or Print the list.
  2. To simply print the entire list, select Add Codes from the Print button drop-down list.


  • Add Codes will not work and allow a student to add a class until the first day the class meets.
  • Add Codes are to be used by the student to add the class through MyPortal
  • They can be used only during the current quarter’s Add period.

  • When a student uses an Add Code to add the course, his/her name will appear on the list.

  • Once the quarter starts, Add Codes will over-ride the class Cap.  In other words, instructors can add more students than listed in class schedule if desired.

    To order additional AdDe Anza – Barry Johnson at 408-864-8722 - j ohn son barry@fh da.edu  Foothill – Roland Amit at 650-949-7238 -  amitroland@fhda.eduor d Codes contact:

    Henry Jung 650-949-7004 -  junghenry@foothill.edu

Instructor Generated Drops and Withdrawals

Instructors can use the Roster to drop students who are registered (listed as registered on roster), but do not show up for class.  The drop button is only activated between the first day of class and the last day that a drop will result in a “W” grade. Both dates are listed on the Essentials display.

To drop a student(s):

1.Display the Student Roster.
2. Check the b o x n ext to s tud en t( s) you wish to drop by clicking in the box.  The students will be highlighted in yellow to help you avoid dropping the wrong student.
3.Click the  Drop Stud en ts button. Note this button is grayed out if no students are checked.
4.The Drop Students screen appears with a list of students to be dropped.  Confirm that the list is correct by clicking the Drop button.
5.Drops now happen at the time you click the Drop button.  You will be asked to wait (a second or two).  The Drop window will display “Waiting to Drop” and then display “Successfully Dropped”.  You can then click the Done button.  Their Registration Status will

change to “Instructor Drop”.  Be aware that there are times when a student is not  “Successfully Dropped”.  In those cases you will receive an error message.  Students who are taking a class for the third time can not be dropped and must receive a grade.  If you believe that you should be able to drop a student, please contact Admissions and Records.

Census Reporting

Official enrollment for Article 7 concurrent sections is determined by the number of students enrolled on the “Census Date”.   It is very important that all instructors certify an accurate list of students enrolled in their class.  For a twelve week class the census date is the third Monday of the quarter.  Classes of different lengths will each have a specific census date that is listed on the Active Roster’s Essentials screen.

Instructors teaching “Positive Attendance” classes are not asked to do a census, but are required to record and report, with the class grades, the actually number of hours their students attended the class.

The Process:

  1. Prior to the Census date you should drop any students who do not show up for class.  Drops are processed immediately.
  2. Three days prior to your classes’ census date you will receive an e-mail reminding you of the census date.
  3. Also during the three days leading up to the Census and until you push the “Sign Census” button, you will see a reminder message when you view your class roster.
  4. On Census day, your student roster screen will un-gray the Sign Census button. Please review the list of enrolled students on the roster.  If there is anyone you feel should be dropped, do it now.
  5. You are now ready to certify your census.  Simply, click the Sign Census button.  The system will display a confirmation and your signature will be recorded electronically.  When you click OK and return to the ros- ter, the Sign Census button will be grayed out.
  6. You will receive an acknowledgement message.  Also, when you close the roster and return to your list of classes for the quarter, the Census Signed? Column will indicate if you have signed your census.