5. What is the index.pcf file?

5. What is the index.pcf file?

After logging in to OU, under the Home  list (we are on "Staging"), there must be always a file that is named index.pcf.

This file is your department website landing page. You type in the browser's address bar http://hr.fhda.edu and the page that loads up is the index.pcf located under the Home list. This is how OU has been set up and we don't question it.

When you create any new folder, this is the rule you must always follow. Inside the new folder, you must create a file which is named index.pcf. The index.pcf is the file that will load when you navigate to the folder on the live website.

http://ets.fhda.edu/getting-help/index.html and http://ets.fhda.edu/getting-help both will land on the same page which is index.pcf inside the "getting-help" folder.(.pcf will translate to .html on production)