Terms and Conditions of Employment Contract

Terms and Conditions of Employment Contract

Accept Contract 

  1. Click on My Contract which is listed under Faculty Online Services
  2. Terms and Conditions of Employment display, scroll to bottom of page  
  3. Click on I Accept the General Terms and Conditions of Employment
    and I am ready to Access my Assignment(s),  and continue
  4. If no contract is available you will receive this message:

  1. If you receive the message above and you believe it is an error, please contact the Dean of your  Division.
  2. Sample Terms and Conditions of Employment display, is displayed below.

  • Verify that your name and ID display.
  • Select College and Instructional term by clicking on Go button.

Note that the first six digits, 201112, represent academic year, quarter and college.

  • 201112: The 2010-2011 academic-year is referred to as the last year, 2011.
  • 201112:  The fifth digit represent the quarter, 1 for Summer, 2 for Fall, 3 for Winter and 4 for Spring.
  • 201112:  The last digit refers to the college, 1 for Foothill and 2 for De Anza.

The list of Assignments displays:

  1. Check the “I Accept” box above each assignment.
  2. Click the Confirm button at bottom of page.
  3. Once the Confirm & Submit button was clicked, assignments will display with the checks in the check boxes.  They will be grayed out so you know that your assignment was accepted.

Links on Faculty Assignments Page:

  • Click  "Paid Office Hours Form ( Downloadable PDF)" to display, print and save Paid

    Office Hours Form. (Note, there are no paid office hours Summer Quarter.) Submit completed form to Division Dean in order to get paid.  There is also a link to the Paid Office Hours Form on the Faculty tab.

  • Click document icon to display class details pop-up window.

  • Click Course title to view Course Calculation window.  Click browser arrow back to return to list of Assignments.
  • Clicking on the Load Factor from either the Course Calculation or Assignment Page to display the Components pop-up window.
  • There is also a link Back to Terms and Conditions:

To Print Contract

  1. Display the page you wish to print.
  2. Use browser print button.

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