My Grades - Banner Guide for Faculty

My Grades - Banner Guide for Faculty

Important Facts about grades:

  1. Every student listed on your grades screen must be given a grade, no exceptions.  “Select” is not a valid grade.

  2. The faculty contract states that all grades must be submitted no later than three days after the final.

  3. In the case of Positive Attendance classes that require a grade and hours, hours must be entered for every student.  Even students who did not attend and are receiving a grade of F must have an entry in the Hours field. “.25” is acceptable.

  4. Rolling grades is a time and labor intensive process that is complicated when grades are not submitted in a timely and complete fashion.

Display Final Grades List

From Faculty Tab:

  1. Click on My Grades which is listed under Faculty Portal Services

  2. This will display a list of terms by campus. Highlight term and click Submit

  3. A list of your classes for quarter selected will display.  Highlight class and click Submit.  The Class List will display.

For Classes that require only Positive Attendance Hours (no grades):

  1. You will get the message that you have no active assignments rather than the list of your classes above.

  2. Click on Enter CRN Directly at the bottom of the screen and enter the class’ 5-digit CRN number.  CRN numbers can be found when you view your list of classes under My Class List.

  3. The grades screen will display and you can enter only the positive attendance hours.

Some things to note:

  • Banner identifies classes by a CRN, Class Registration Number.

  • You can locate a class using CRN with the link at the bottom of the screen.

  • You are now in what is called “Self-Service Banner”.  The Tab is now Faculty Services.  To get back to the Faculty tab simply click on message in the upper left hand corner.

  • Displayed in the upper right hand corner are your id, name, and term and school associated with class you are about to view.

Entering Grades


  • “Select” is not a valid grade.

  • All students must receive a grade.

  • Leave “Last Attend Date” field blank – it can cause problems.

  • Reset – returns grades to” Select”

  • All students will display on one screen.

  • The 60 minute time limit is a warning that you must click the submit button at least once every 60 minutes to save your work.  If you walk away from your screen for more than 60 minutes without first clicking the submit button, the grades that have been entered but not submitted will be lost.  You can go back to the grades screen as often as you wish to complete entering grades for your class.

  • You can change grades as long as an “N” displays under Rolled.  When the grades are rolled, you will not be able to change a grade and a “Y” will display.

  • You will not receive a confirmation message after you submit the grades.

    However, if you look at the class roster you will see that the grades have been accepted and will display on the roster.

  • Students will not be able to view their grades until the class grades are rolled.

    Allstudentsinaclassmustbeassignedagradebeforeaclassisrolled.Astudentwiththegradeof“Select”is missing their grade and willdelay the rollingof gradesfortheclass.

Positive Attendance Hours

  • If the “Attend Hours” box is active, you must enter the hours that a student attended the class. For classes that require a grade and hours, hours must be entered for every student.

  • If the box is active, it can not be left blank.  A blank box will result in a delay in rolling the grades for the class.  The minimum number of hours that can be entered is “.25”.

The example to the right show a student who dropped the class after attending 50 hours and will receive a “W” grade.  The fourth student only attended part of one class and never dropped the class.  Consequently, he is receiving an “F” grade and the minimum number of hours, .25, is recorded.

Grade Verification

Grades will appear on your class roster immediately after you click on the Submit button. This is the only notification you will receive to confirm that your grades have been accepted.

Select Next Class

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the Final Grades screen and click on the link Course(CRN)Selecti.

  2. You will be able to select from the list of your classes and then click on Submit.

The Final Grades screen will display for the class you selected.

When Can Students View Grades on MyPortal?

Grades have to "Roll" into history in order for students to view them. This roll process is quite detailed and has to be run on a set schedule between the colleges. It may take a week or more before your class grades are rolled.  You will know that the grades were rolled when the “N” becomes a “Y” on the grades screen. (See screen shot on page two of this document.) Once grades are rolled, you can no longer use MyPortal to change a submitted grade.  Leavinganygradessetto “None”candelayagraderollfortherestofthestudentsintheclass.  Also a blank Attend Hours box will delay a class’ grade role.

Assigning an Incomplete Grade

Adobe Sign Form for Incomplete Grade Contract Signing form for the faculty

  1. Go to myportal.fhda.edu

  2. Go to Faculty Online Services tile

  3. Scroll toward the bottom, and select “Go to Adobe Sign Faculty Forms”

  4. Select the form called "De Anza Incomplete Grade Contract Form (Faculty)"

  5. Click "Start Workflow"

Notes: Any additional question, contact A&R office.

The following instruction was used before Adobe Sign Form.

When an “I” (for Incomplete) is selected from Grade drop-down list the system:

  • Enters a grade of F

  • Dates the grade one year from the end of the current quarter.

If the student satisfies the contract prior to the date, the F grade is replaced.  If the contract is not satisfied, the F grade appears on his/her transcript.

To the left is the screen asking you to confirm the “I” grade and potential F grade by clicking on submit a second time.

Incomplete Contracts states that the deadline for completion is the end of one academic year.  (Example: Started Fall 2010: Completed by the end of Fall 2011. The instructor may choose a time period less than one year.

You are required to file the signed student contract with Admission and Records.

Changing a Grade

You can change a grade in MyPortal if the grade has not been “processed” or rolled by A&R.  Once the grade is rolled you will no longer be able to select a grade from the drop-down list.  At this point, you will need to submit paperwork to A&R to change the grade.

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