Faculty Roster Printing Guide

Faculty Roster Printing Guide

Printing My Class List - User Guide for Faculty

Print Button

The Print button is used to print rosters, attendance sheets and Add Code

  • Print Roster will print it exactly as it is displayed.
  • Print Custom Roster will all to select which of the column you want to print.

  • Print Photo Rooster will display student information and photo for all registered students.  If the student has not obtained a student ID card, there will not be a photo. All information on this roster is confidential and should not be shared with students.

  • Print Add Codes will be available on the first of school and not before.  You can also view your Add Codes
  • Attendance Sheets can be printed with or without the student’s IDs listed and in either landscape or portrait orientation.
Photo Roster
  1. Only students who have obtained a student ID will have their photo displayed.  Students can get a Student ID card or a Student Body card on the campus where they are enrolled. At De Anza students should go to the Office of Student Life on the first level of the Campus Center.  At Foothill students should go to the Smart Shop in the Campus Center.  Every student should have either a Student ID card or a Student Body card.
  2. Click the Print button and select Print Photo Roster

  3. It will only list students who are registered for the class.  The first page contains text that identifies the class and instructor.

  4. Five or six students will display per page.  The information is confidential and is only intended for use by the instructor.

  5. A sample roster is displayed to the right.

Attendance Sheet

  1. Attendance reporting is one of the ways that the State of California evaluates how well we are serving our students.  To make the process easier, instructors can print a pre-formatted attendance sheet for every class from Active Roster.  If you will be distributing the sheet to students to sign-in on, please make use the version without student IDS.
  2. Click the Print button and select the Attendance Sheet from the drop-down.
  3. Large classes may take several pages to list the registered student.  Using the portrait orientation will list more students per page.  The portrait version will list nine class meetings and 36 students per page.
  4. Regular weekly classes will list the dates the class will meet starting with the date that the form is printed.
  5. Distance Learning/Online/TBA classes will not have the dates included.
  6. Classes that meet every day, Monday through Friday, will not have all of the meeting dates on the form the first time you print it.  You will need to go back and print the form again on the day that you need a new attendance form.  You can print the form as often as you wish. A landscape version of the form is available.  It will provide room for fourteen class meetings and twenty-two students per page.
  7. You can print the form as often as you wish.

How to Use the Attendance Form

  • Instructors of  P ositiv e A tten dan ce classes should record the number of hours (rounded to the nearest quarter hour) that each student attends each scheduled class.  This can then serve as your input when you enter your grades and hours at the end of the quarter.
  • Instructors can also use the form for recording grades, assignments and attendance.

The Completed Form

  • At the end of the quarter, enter all totals.
  • Sign the form on the last page and initial each additional page.
  • Turn the form into Admissions and Records where it will be scanned and stored as a digital image.